Kartel Accounting Company renders complete accounting services to companies and individuals. This includes everything that your company needs to work in accordance with the tax and social security legal framework. We advise you to conclude an accounting services agreement – in this case we will get to know the specific needs of your company (the specific character of the business, the size of the document flow, etc.) and will approach the accounting services individually.
From time to time, we extend the range of administrative services that we offer in order to meet the customer’s requirements optimally, with good quality and in time.
The changes in the tax legislation during the last years are a challenge to any business. Our team of specialists aims to know in detail the current procedures for observing the legal framework in order to provide you with effective solutions and save you tax risks.
Kartel Accounting Company advises its customers on the choice of an accounting policy and/or on the application of the National Financial Reporting Standards for Small and Medium Enterprises (NFRSSME), the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP). The experts in Kartel Financial Accounting Company will advise you on the choice of suitable accounting software and its use, and on operational financial accounting cases considering the specific nature of the industry in which you are working and developing.
Kartel Financial Accounting Company advises employers on occupational health:
ЦПО към ФСК Картел е регистрирано в Агенция по заетостта за провеждане на обучения за професионална квалификация по схема ”Аз мога” на Оперативна програма „Развитие на човешките ресурси”
Обученията са за заети лица по следните специалности: